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Stable Coronary Artery Disease
Drs. Sripal Bangalore, Usman Baber, and Darshan Doshi discuss a case-based overview of the latest treatment approaches for stable coronary artery disease.
Stent Design and Cath Lab Pharmacology
Drs. Farouc Jaffer, Subhash Banerjee, and Darshan Doshi discuss stent design and the latest pharmacology approaches in the cath lab.
BIO-EMERGE: Acute Coronary Syndromes
Drs. Darshan Doshi, Sandeep Nathan and Steven Yakubov discuss contemporary treatment approaches in acute coronary syndromes.
Lifelines for Your Practice: Case-Based Approaches to Perforation Management
A coronary artery perforation is one of the most feared complications in PCI. Drs. Kevin Croce, Duane Pinto and Jason Wollmuth discuss advanced perforation management techniques.